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Continuing Studies Degree & Certificate Programs

Continuing Studies allows you to pursue your bachelor’s degree by mixing night and online courses or in a completely online format. Take one, two, or three courses each semester or more. It’s completely up to you. Go at your own pace. 

Our degree completion programs are designed for part-time students. Degree completion programs are designed for students who have already earned some college credits, whether as a former BSU student or as a student enrolled in another two- or four-year college or university. We accept transfer credit from accredited institutions. 

Same degree, same program curriculum: Our night and online degree completion programs follow the same program requirements and curriculum as our day programs. And, many of our faculty members teach during the day, at night and online. Continuing Studies students receive the same high-quality education as their counterparts in day programs.

Click on the department page to learn more about the degree program. Please note not all degree concentrations are available through Continuing Studies. Click on the Degree Program List button to review available degree programs and concentrations through Continuing Studies.

Degree program campus location noted in parenthesis. Some programs are offered in multiple locations.

Review the specific program requirements for all majors via the BSU Catalog (on the catalog page, click Academic Programs on the left side of the page) 

Continuing Studies also offers a wide variety of credit-based certificate programs.

Continuing Studies night, online, weekend, summer and winter intersession courses are billed at the Massachusetts in-state rate regardless of residency whether you live in Massachusetts or any other state.

Personal Attention:  Do you want to meet one-on-one with one of our staff to discuss your needs? Contact our Continuing Studies office at 508-531-2788 or via email at to make an appointment with our staff. 


Online Programs

Childhood Studies Online
Childhood Studies, BA
Childhood Studies Minor

Continuing Studies Childhood Studies Online degree webpage

Communication Studies Online
Communication and Media Studies, BA
Department page

Criminal Justice Online*
Criminal Justice, BS
Department page

Elementary Education Online*
Elementary Education, BSE**
Department page

Management Online*
General Management Concentration, BS
Department page

Marketing Online*
Marketing, BS
Department page

Psychology Online*
Psychology, BS
Department page

Public Relations Online
Public Relations, BA
Department page

Secondary Education*
Secondary Education, BA**
Department page

Special Education Online*

Teacher of Students with Moderate Disabilities, (PreK - 8 or Grades 5 - 12), BSE**
Teacher of Students with Severe Disabilities (All Levels) concentration, BSE**
Continuing Studies Special Education degree program webpage

Department page

*Program is available online and on campus.

**Students in this program will be required to complete fieldwork and student teaching during
day hours. The student-teaching practicum is an in-person face-to-face experience in a public school setting. See BSU Catalog for requirements. 

On-Campus Night Programs

Accounting and Finance (Bridgewater)

Accounting Concentration, BS 
Finance Concentration, BS
Accounting and Finance Minor 

Department page

Anthropology (Bridgewater)

Anthropology, Cultural Anthropology Concentration, BA
Anthropology Minor

Department page

Art (Bridgewater)

Studio Art, Art Education Concentration, BA**
Studio Art, Crafts Concentration, BA
Studio Art, Fine Arts Concentration, BA
Studio Art, Graphic Design Concentration, BA
Studio Art, Photography Concentration, BA
Art History Minor
Graphic Design Minor
Studio Art Minor

Department page

Criminal Justice* (Bridgewater)

Criminal Justice, BS
Criminal Justice Minor

Department page

Economics (Bridgewater)

Economics, BS
Economics Minor

Department page

Elementary Education* (Bridgewater)

Elementary Education, BSE**

Department page


English (Bridgewater)

Literature Concentration, BA

Department page 

Management* (in Bridgewater and in Attleboro)

General Management Concentration, BS
Information Systems Management Concentration, BS
Operations and Supply Chain Management Concentration, BS
Management Minor

BSU Attleboro
General Management Concentration, BS 
Department page

Marketing* (Bridgewater)

Marketing, BS
Marketing Minor

Department page

Psychology* (Bridgewater)

Psychology, BS
Psychology Minor

Department page

Secondary Education* (Bridgewater)

Secondary Education, BA**
Department page


Social Work (Bridgewater)

Social Work, BS
Social Welfare Minor
Continuing Studies Social Work page

Sociology (Bridgewater)

Sociology, BA
Sociology Minor

Department page

Spanish (Bridgewater)

Spanish, BA
Spanish Minor

Department page

Special Education* (Bridgewater)

Teacher of Students with Moderate Disabilities**
(PreK - 8 or Grades 5 - 12), BSE**
Teacher of Students with Severe Disabilities (All Levels) concentration, BSE**

Special Education Professional Practices Minor

**Students in this program will be required to complete fieldwork and student teaching during
day hours. The student-teaching practicum is an in-person face-to-face experience in a public school setting. See BSU Catalog for requirements. 

Department page

*Program is available online and on campus.


Certificate Programs 

Drone (sUAS) Certificate Program

Global Languages and Cultures

TESOL Certificate Program (undergraduate certificate)

Teaching in a Virtual/Online K-12 Certificate Program

Youth Services Certificate Program